About Us

Several teams of conservative leaders in San Diego County have come together to pool our resources and make recommendations for offices around the county.

United We Stand.  Divided, We Don’t Win.

Dear Voters,

We realize that you may have differing opinions based on your key issues, personal relationships with other candidates, etc.  We merely ask that you consider the following.

One important consideration is that, in some races, too many good candidates (with the best intentions) will divide the conservative vote and end up electing a progressive.

It’s pretty simple: If one progressive and two (or more) conservative candidates are running–splitting the conservative vote–you elect the progressive.

And in many races there are no conservative candidates running–frustrating!!

Since we would like to elect conservatives, we have tried to narrow our recommendations to the strongest candidates who hold conservative views.

We are grateful to all the leaders throughout the community who have come together to make this list a reality.

Some decisions were much harder than others.

We reviewed …
~ Candidate’s endorsements
~ Candidate’s voting records (if available)

We talked to fellow contributors and other leaders in the county. We compiled as much information as possible to make our choices.

Will all these candidates make perfect decisions every time? Probably not. There are no perfect candidates.

Would we like to elect these candidates and give them the chance to prove themselves as Conservative Leaders?  YOU BET!

And so we appreciate your consideration of these recommendations.


Your Research Team Leaders